Press Release

UNICEF to Deliver 120 Trucks of Aid Including 7.5 Million Litres of Water to Gaza During Four-Day Ceasefire The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund Welcomes Opportunity to Mobilise Latest Aid Package Waiting at Rafah Crossing   GAZA/DUBLIN – November 24, 2023 – UNICEF has begun the delivery of a significant aid package to Gaza following the … Continued

Press Release: First deliveries of life-saving supplies for children enter Gaza

First deliveries of life-saving supplies for children enter Gaza UNICEF renews appeal for sustained humanitarian access to provide desperately needed assistance as situation worsens   UNICEF renews appeal for sustained humanitarian access to provide desperately needed assistance as situation worsens DUBLIN 21 October 2023 – Over 44,000 bottles of drinking water supplied by UNICEF – … Continued

UNICEF delivers over 650,000 doses of polio vaccine to Ukraine

PRESS RELEASE UNICEF delivers over 650,000 doses of polio vaccine to Ukraine UNICEF spokespersons in Ukraine are available for interview  Multimedia materials are available here KYIV/DUBLIN, 8 April 2023 – UNICEF delivered 543,000 doses of oral polio vaccine (OPV) and 110,160 doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) to Ukraine as a part of its efforts … Continued

Top UN, ICRC leaders urge stepped-up global support to protect civilians from explosive weapons in populated areas

PRESS RELEASE   Top UN, ICRC leaders urge stepped-up global support to protect civilians from explosive weapons in populated areas Milestone political declaration to open for signature in Dublin on 18 November NEW YORK/GENEVA/DUBLIN, 14 November 2022 – The heads of three UN entities and the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross … Continued

Ireland joins unprecedented international response to deepening child malnutrition crisis with over half a billion dollars pledged to tackle severe wasting since July

PRESS RELEASE Ireland joins unprecedented international response to deepening child malnutrition crisis with over half a billion dollars pledged to tackle severe wasting since July Ireland announces pledge of €50 million over three years with at least 60 per cent of international commitments to directly support UNICEF’s work in 15 countries hardest hit by the … Continued

Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell on reported attack against maternity hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine

STATEMENT   Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell on reported attack against maternity hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine   UNICEF spokespersons in Ukraine are available for interview    Download multimedia: Materials     NEW YORK/DUBLIN, 9 March 2022 – “I am horrified by the reported attack today on a maternity hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine – … Continued

First shipment of UNICEF humanitarian aid arrives in Ukraine as conflict escalates

PRESS RELEASE First shipment of UNICEF humanitarian aid arrives in Ukraine as conflict escalates More lifesaving supplies to follow.  UNICEF spokespersons in Ukraine are available for interview   Download multimedia: Materials   DUBLIN/LVIV, Ukraine, 6 March 2022 – The first batch of UNICEF humanitarian supplies has arrived in Lviv, western Ukraine, from UNICEF’s Global Supply and … Continued

UNICEF signs first COVID-19 vaccine agreement to supply African Union

The agreement will supply up to 220 million single-dose vaccines by 2022 as part of UNICEF’s broader support for the African Vaccine Acquisition Trust (AVAT) to help provide vaccines for the 55 AU Member States  NEW YORK, 8 July 2021 – UNICEF has signed an agreement with Janssen Pharmaceutica NV to supply up to 220 million doses of … Continued

Retail Excellence supports UNICEF’s Drive for Global Vaccine Equity while helping Ireland Reopen and Stay Open

UNICEF Ireland and Retail Excellence highlight importance of vaccinating everyone to avoid spread of variants and further disruption to business. DUBLIN, 2 JULY 2021 – Retail Excellence has announced its support for an historic mission to vaccinate the world today as it joins an innovative UNICEF campaign rolling out in Ireland. As new variants of … Continued

Affordable, quality childcare inaccessible in many of world’s wealthiest countries – UNICEF report

Irish families of average income spend up to half of one salary to put two children in childcare DUBLIN/INNOCENTI/NEW YORK, 18 June 2021 – Affordable, quality childcare is inaccessible in many of the world’s wealthiest countries, UNICEF said in a new report released today. Luxembourg, Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Germany rank the highest on childcare … Continued

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