DRC: Number of deaths in Ebola outbreak passes 2,000, despite huge strides

Protecting children and engaging communities key to ending epidemic of deadly disease STATEMENT attributable to Edouard Beigbeder, UNICEF Representative in the Democratic Republic of Congo Access multimedia content here DUBLIN/KINSHASA 30 August 2019 – “Almost 600 children have lost their lives to the Ebola outbreak in the north-east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo … Continued

1,100 unaccompanied refugee children in Greece need urgent protection – UNICEF

European Member States urged to increase relocation and family reunifications DUBLIN / GENEVA 29 August 2019 – The number of unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children staying in dangerous and overcrowded Reception and Identification Centres on the Greek islands, and detention facilities across the country, now exceeds 1,100 – the largest number since the … Continued

Family-friendly policies needed to increase breastfeeding rates worldwide

Wealthiest countries have lowest breastfeeding rates – including Ireland Photo: Dublin Mum Irmak breastfeeding baby Aurelia DUBLIN/NEW YORK , 1 August 2019 – The benefits of breastfeeding for children and mothers are widespread. It supports healthy brain development in babies and young children, it protects infants against infection, decreases the risk of obesity and disease, … Continued

Vaccination to contain severe measles outbreak underway in DR Congo amidst Ebola and mass displacement

Campaign led by the Ministry of Health with support from UNICEF and MSF DUBLIN / ITURI, DR CONGO / DAKAR / GENEVA / NEW YORK, 11 July 2019 – Health workers are urgently rolling out a complex measles vaccination campaign targeting 67,000 children in Ituri, northeast DR Congo, a region ravaged by armed conflict that … Continued

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