Join the World’s Most Critical Mission

Zurich Ireland and the Z Zurich Foundation support UNICEF’s efforts to help deliver COVID-19 vaccines to 92 low- and lower-middle-income countries for the COVAX Facility. This is the only way to push back the virus worldwide and protect the most vulnerable from the consequences of the pandemic.

While rich industrial nations were able to secure millions of doses of vaccine at an early stage, poorer countries were left out. In the current year, nine out of ten people in developing countries are likely to go without. In parts of Africa, it will probably take another four years for enough doses of vaccine to be available to protect everyone.

Regardless of the financial position, every country needs to have access to vaccines to protect its population against the coronavirus. This is a matter of global equity and the moral claim on our society.

The longer the coronavirus crisis lasts, the more serious its impact on education, health, nutrition and the well-being of children worldwide. It will only be possible to find a way out of the pandemic if COVID-19 can be brought under control worldwide.

coronavirus vaccine
A close-up view of a vial of the Pfizer vaccine against the COVID-19 coronavirus is displayed.

How Your Donation Helps

Every euro counts and helps twice, as your donation will be doubled by the Z Zurich Foundation. With your donation, you are advocating for vaccine equity. Because no one is safe until everyone is safe

By supporting UNICEF’s work now, you will be helping to deliver 2 billion COVID-19 vaccines, 500 million diagnostic tests and life-saving medicine to health workers and vulnerable families.

Our most urgent priority is to protect health workers and the most vulnerable people across the globe. We’ll then focus on ensuring teachers are protected so that millions of children can go back to school.

With your support, we can:

  • Procure and transport vaccines around the world.
  • Ensure all vaccines are stored correctly and safely.
  • Help manage in-country logistics so we can reach even the most remote places
  • Ensure health and community workers are trained in administering the vaccines
  • Engage with communities to provide reliable information about the vaccine

Please help the fight against Coronavirus by donating now. Your donation will ensure health workers and at-risk groups are protected against COVID-19.

person receives vaccine
A person is vaccinated against COVID-19. © UNICEF/UN0409762/Fassbender/AFP


All donations made to Zurich’s and Z Zurich Foundation’s local UNICEF fundraising campaigns will be matched automatically by the Z Zurich Foundation (up to CHF 2.5m). For ease, the matching amounts will be consolidated globally and will be channelled to UNICEF’s vaccine delivery campaign through UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

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