Put your rights into action!
We're calling on children and youth around Ireland to share pictures of your world.
Take photos of your friends, your school, your life. Think about people, places and supports that matter to you.
We want to know what's important to you.
Together we'll build a picture of what it's like to grow up in Ireland and make sure all your views are shared.
Download our latest report
We want your views and ideas for change - Is Ireland a good place to grow up? How can we make it better? Here's how
Take a photo & upload it
Capture a photo that says something important about children's rights in Ireland. Explore the themes below for ideas. Give your photo a title and a caption (max. 30 words) explaining its meaning for you. Post it on Instagram with #pictureyourrights and a hashtag of the relevant theme or email us. Remember you need to be over 13 to join Instagram.
Follow us on Instagram at PictureYourRights.
Write, Draw or Video
If you prefer to write, draw or video your views, you can do that too. Share with us your ideas in whatever way best suits you. Send them to us by email or by post.
Practical things
- Ask your parent or guardian to fill out the online consent form. You don't need a consent form if you send us a photo via Instagram.
- Email: info@pictureyourrights.com
- For more information read the terms and conditions and see what will happen with your photos and submissions.
Children's Rights Themes
All children have special rights, from the very day they are born. These rights are contained in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. These rights help you live a happy life and give you the best start for a bright future. The rights have been agreed on by almost every country in the world, including Ireland. So let us know if you feel your rights and the rights of other children and young people in Ireland are being met. Below is a list of themes to help you reflect on what your rights look and feel like. By sharing your views and recommendations we can advise our government on how to make Ireland a better place for everyone.
Is Ireland a great place to be you? Is your culture, identity, beliefs or ethnicity accepted and respected? Does who you are matter in your school, education centre or community? Do you feel you can be you while at the same time have your privacy protected (especially online). Send in a photo that describes and celebrates who you are and let us know if you feel you are respected and protected.
Are you involved enough? Do you have a say in decisions that effect you? When and where was the last time you felt included in your community, your school? Do adults who make decisions about your life, do a good job in asking you to take part? Do you think social workers, guards, judges and doctors listen to children and young people? Send in an photo of who listens to your opinions and/or where you feel most included?
How safe do you feel as a child or young person in Ireland? Is your neighbourhood somewhere that you feel safe? Does bullying happen in your school and if so, do you feel your school can protect you? Is there enough information and protection out there to make you feel safe when you are online? Does Ireland do enough to make sure you feel safe? Send in a photo of where you do or don't feel safe or take a picture what or who makes you feel safe.
Is Ireland ensuring that you develop the skills you need for life? What is your school or education centre like? Do you learn the subjects that are important to you. Is school expensive for you and your family? Do you have access to the tools you need to learn, to play, to achieve? If you have a disability, do you think you are getting enough support? What is missing that could help you have a better chance in life? Send in a photo of what is helping or not helping you achieve the skills you need to succeed in life.
Do you feel well looked after, cared for and healthy in your body and in your mind? Are your needs being met? Do you have somewhere to live and enough to eat? Are you able to live a healthy lifestyle with access to enough good food and time and space to exercise? Are you affected by drink, drugs or smoking? Do you have enough information to make good choices in friendships and relationships? Does Ireland give you and those who care for you enough support to make sure you are taken good care of? Do you need special care and is that being provided to you? Send in a photo that describes your care, your health and/or your wellbeing.
Are all children treated equally in Ireland or do you or other children you know get treated unfairly or suffer from discrimination because of who they are, where they are from or what they have. Is racism a problem in Ireland? Does poverty effect children and young people? Are children and young people treated unfairly because of their religon or their background. Do you feel you or others you know get treated in a fair, respectful and just way? Send in a photo that describes how you or other children and/or young people are treated in Ireland.
Is your generation's future being protected? Should this be a right of all children? Do you feel people are making the right decisions to ensure your community, your environment and the planet as a whole are sustainable? Do you receive enough support and education to make the right choices yourself and to ensure you have the means to support yourself once you become an adult? Send in a photo that describes what your future looks like and whether or not it is being looked after properly.
Please send us in a photo that describes any rights we have not covered, that you think Ireland could do better to protect.
Don't forget to include the article from the Convention that is described in the image, along with the title and caption.
Download All Themed Discussion Cards For Teens
Children’s Rights for Younger Ages
Your Instagram submissions