As COVID-19 devastates already fragile health systems, over 6,000 additional children under five could die a day, without urgent action

UNICEF launches #Reimagine, a global campaign to prevent the pandemic from becoming a lasting crisis for children NOTE: Irish spokespersons are available for interview DUBLIN/NEW YORK, 13 MAY 2020 – An additional 6,000 children could die every day from preventable causes over the next six months as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to weaken health systems and … Continued

UNICEF appeals for $1.6 billion to meet growing needs of children impacted by COVID-19 pandemic

New funding request is $1 billion more than March appeal, as countries reel from socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 DUBLIN/NEW YORK, 12 May 2020 – UNICEF is appealing for US$1.6 billion to support its humanitarian response for children impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, up from $651.6 million requested in a similar appeal late March. This increase reflects … Continued

New guidelines provide roadmap for safe reopening of schools

NEW YORK/PARIS/ROME, 30 April 2020 – UNESCO, UNICEF, WFP and World Bank today issued new guidelines on the safe reopening of schools amidst ongoing closures affecting nearly 1.3 billion students worldwide. The agencies also warned that the widespread closures of educational facilities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic present an unprecedented risk to children’s education … Continued

Greta Thunberg and the NGO Human Act launch a child rights driven coronavirus campaign for UNICEF

Climate activist calls on young people, other supporters, to encourage everyone to support UNICEF’s vital work to save children’s lives NEW YORK, 30 April 2020 – Climate activist Greta Thunberg today launched a child rights driven campaign with Danish NGO Human Act to support UNICEF’s efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic and protect children from … Continued

UNICEF continues to ship vital supplies to affected countries amid soaring COVID-19 case numbers

COPENHAGEN/NEW YORK, 27 March 2020 – As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grow, UNICEF is procuring and shipping vital supplies, including desperately required personal protective equipment (PPE), to countries affected. UNICEF is engaged with approximately 1,000 suppliers and industry leaders across the world, to find a solution to current market constraints. Despite the extreme market conditions, … Continued

UNICEF ED remarks on launch of UN global humanitarian response plan to COVID-19 pandemic 

UN launches global humanitarian response plan to COVID-19 pandemic  Remarks by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore (check against delivery)    NOTE: Multimedia assets here NOTE: UNICEF Ireland Exec. Dir. Peter Power is available for interview on the impending global Covid-19 humanitarian crisis, and impact on children*   NEW YORK, 25 March 2020 – “In just a … Continued

PRESS RELEASE: Global approach only way to fight COVID-19 – UN on launch of humanitarian response plan

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan UN humanitarian chief warns that failing to help vulnerable countries fight the coronavirus now could place millions at risk and leave the virus free to circle back around the globe. UN launches US$2 billion global humanitarian response to fight COVID-19 in … Continued

STATEMENT: Key water station in Syria down, putting 460K at risk amid Covid-19 scale-up

Interruption to key water station in the northeast of Syria puts 460,000 people at risk as efforts ramp up to prevent the spread of Coronavirus disease From Fran Equiza, UNICEF Representative in Syria DAMASCUS, 23 March 2020 – “Yet again the water supply from the Allouk water station in the northeast of Syria has been interrupted. … Continued

COVID-19: UNICEF, WHO and IFRC issue guidance to protect children and support safe school operations

Guidance includes practical actions and checklists for administrators, teachers, parents and children NOTE: Download the joint guidance on protecting children and schools from Covid-19 DUBLIN/GENEVA/NEW YORK, 10 March 2020 – The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) today issued new guidance to help … Continued

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