An Appeal to end the Suffering in Syria #SyriaCrisis

21st January 2016

The war in Syria is approaching its sixth brutal year. The needless loss of life continues and the suffering deepens. Please join our appeal to end the violence using the hashtag #SyriaCrisis

Three years ago, UN agencies issued an urgent appeal to those who could end the conflict in Syria. “Enough”, they said.

Today, we appeal not only to governments but to each of you – citizens around the world – to add your voices in urging an end to the suffering.

The children and families of Syria need a ceasefire and a path to peace. There needs to be a collective public voice calling for an end to this outrage. Because this conflict and its consequences touch us all.

Children have already lost loved ones, been uprooted from their homes, or who live in desperation under siege.

Families have been forced to set out on perilous journeys to foreign lands in search of refuge.

A generation of children increasingly see their future shaped only by violence.

For the sake of the millions of innocents who have already suffered so much and for the millions more whose lives and futures hang in the balance, we call for action now.

Those with the ability to stop the suffering can – and therefore should – take action now. Including sustained access for humanitarian organizations to bring immediate food, vaccinations and education to all those in need inside Syria. To cease attacks on schools, hospitals and water supplies. Freedom of movement of the Syrian people.

We are therefore urging members of the public to join our appeal by sharing our #SyriaCrisis message on social media.

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