UNICEF Ireland welcomes Secretary General’s comments on Haiti hurricane

11th October 2016
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DUBLIN/PORT-AU-PRINCE, Tues 11 Oct 2016 – UNICEF Ireland has welcomed United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s significant remarks regarding the scale of the emergency Hurricane Matthew has brought to Haiti.
Ban Ki-moon yesterday announced the launch of a $120 million UN appeal to fund disaster relief in Haiti. Speaking at the announcement, he said: “At least 1.4 million people need assistance at this time. Some towns and villages have been almost wiped off the map. Crops and food reserves have been destroyed. At least 300 schools have been damaged. A massive response is required.”
UNICEF Ireland Executive Director Peter Power gave his reaction: “I echo the Secretary General’s comments. This is a massive disaster requiring a massive response. UNICEF will not be found wanting in this regard. Our commitment to Haiti is already clear. We are on-the-ground long-term.”
The true scale of the disaster in Haiti will only be revealed in coming days. UNICEF is working with the communities worst-affected by the hurricane, offering water, emergency kits and a focus on child rights and child protection.
Peter Power says: “It is always the children who suffer worst in a crisis. We have launched an emergency appeal for the children of Haiti. It is with enormous determination that we set out to alleviate their suffering.”
Our priorities remain:
UNICEF Ireland has launched an emergency appeal for the children of Haiti.
On-the-ground representatives are available for interview – Cornelia Walther in Port-au-Prince, Ruth Craig in Panama (Irish) and Executive Director Peter Power in Dublin.
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UNICEF promotes the rights and well-being of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere. UNICEF has been operating for 70 years.
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For more information, please contact:
Aedín Donnelly, Communications and Media Manager for UNICEF Ireland | aedin@unicef.ie Tel: +353 1 809 0281 | Mob: +353 85 1395272
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