UNICEF statement on the sentencing of Baquer Namazi in Iran

19th October 2016

NEW YORK, 18 October 2016 – “His friends and colleagues at UNICEF have learned with deep sadness and personal concern that our former colleague Baquer Namazi, who has been incarcerated in Iran since 22 February, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.

“Mr. Namazi served at UNICEF as Representative for Somalia, Kenya and Egypt, among other positions. He worked tirelessly on behalf of children in all those positions, often in highly difficult circumstances. He deserves a peaceful retirement.

“Baquer is 80 years old and the entire UNICEF family are deeply concerned for his health and well-being. Baquer has been a humanitarian all his life. We appeal for his release on humanitarian grounds.”


For further information, please contact:

Najwa Mekki, UNICEF New York, +1917 209 1804, nmekki@unicef.org

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