Dublin 11.05.2021 – “The Children’s Futures campaign welcomes today’s announcement by Ministers Foley and Madigan that they will double the funding offered to this year’s Summer education programme. This is yet another indication of the Government’s clear commitment to prioritise children’s education and to minimise the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and young people’s learning and wellbeing.
“Marking a 100% increase in funding – now totalling €40m – this offers a fantastic opportunity for primary and post-primary schools to set pupils on a path that will see them primed and ready for the full return of school in September. Today’s announcement is in keeping with our call for a free, voluntary and funded catch-up scheme for all children but in particular vulnerable and marginalised children and young peopleincluding from Traveller and Roma communities, with special educational needs, with disabilities and those experiencing poverty.
“Prolonged school closures, combined with disruptions during school time due to COVID-19, have been detrimental to all children, but especially for those with complex needs. While we warmly welcome this financial injection, we must acknowledge that its full potential relies once again on the contribution and commitment of principals, teachers and all school staff in putting the learning and wellbeing of children first. We encourage all schools to take part in this innovative scheme and we wish to thank them in advance of their vital efforts.”
The #ChildrensFuturesIRL Campaign works with Government, education partners and others to secure a cross-party, cross-sector public commitment to prioritise reopening – and keeping open – schools in line with public health advice and to limit the negative impact of lockdown on a generation of children and young people. Current members include founding members AsIAm, Barnardos, Children’s Rights Alliance, Inclusion Ireland, and National Parents Council Primary, as well as Pavee Point, Children’s Books Ireland, Dyslexia Association of Ireland, Foróige, SpunOut.ie, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, UNICEF Ireland and Museum of Childhood Ireland.
Notes to Editor:
· Spokespeople from each organisation are available upon request.
· If you would like to be removed from our distribution list, please email carys@carysmair.com
For more contact:
Aedín Donnelly, UNICEF Ireland, aedin@unicef.ie
Carys Mair Thomas, Children’s Rights Alliance, Tel +44 07702096704 (WhatsApp) Email: carys@carysmair.com
Lorna Cronnelly, Barnardos Tel: 0870957757
Áine Lynch, National Parents Council Primary Tel: 0879294949
Lorraine Dempsey, Inclusion Ireland Tel: 0877741917
Adam Harris, AsIAm Tel: 0871366527
Colette Murray, Pavee Point Tel: 0872976823
Rosie Bissett, Dyslexia Association of Ireland Tel: 0868511012