

UNICEF Ireland is a company limited by guarantee and registered in the Companies Registration Office. Company number: 371124.

UNICEF Ireland is governed by the Charities Act, 2009 and is registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA). UNICEF Ireland’s CRA registration number is:  20008727.

UNICEF Ireland is also registered with the Revenue Commissioners as an official charity. The revenue number is: CHY 5616.

UNICEF Ireland is in compliance with the Charities Regulator Governance Code. UNICEF Ireland’s audited accounts are in full compliance with FRS102, the Statement of Recommended Practice for audited accounts (SORP).

UNICEF Ireland is a signatory to UNICEF’s Global Principles of Good Governance.

UNICEF Ireland is a member of Dóchas which is the umbrella body for international aid agencies in Ireland and is a signatory to the Dóchas Governance Charter and code of conduct on images.

UNICEF Ireland is a member of the Charities Institute of Ireland and has subscribed to the triple lock governance standard.

As part of a United Nations global child rights intergovernmental agency UNICEF Ireland subscribes to the highest standards of child safeguarding.

The Board of Directors of UNICEF Ireland comprises of the following members:

  • Paul Connolly (Chair)
  • Sinead Kelly
  • Donncha O’Callaghan
  • Andrew Weld-Moore
  • Joe Canning
  • Caroline Dowling
  • Aine Flanagan
  • Joan Garahy
  • Caoimhe Buckley


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