Flexible Funding For Every Child 

Flexible Funding For Every Child



For every child.‘ This is the simple, powerful promise at the heart of UNICEF’s mission.

UNICEF works in the world’s toughest places to protect the rights and lives of children everywhere. We do whatever it takes to help children survive, thrive and fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence.  Delivering results for children and young people is our driving force.

Before, during and after humanitarian emergencies, UNICEF is on the ground, bringing lifesaving help and hope to children and families. Non-political and impartial, we are never neutral when it comes to defending children’s rights and safeguarding their lives and futures.

And we never give up.

Your support of flexible funding is what enables UNICEF to do this.

What is Flexible Funding?

Flexible Funding is funding without restrictions to be used by UNICEF wherever and whenever the need is greatest.

It is UNICEF’s most important, most effective, and most valuable tool to help children worldwide and forms the bedrock of all our work. Flexible Funding provides the foundational funding in all UNICEF country programmes, and funds long-term sustainable investments in the institutions, services, and stakeholders that support children.

Flexible funds ensure UNICEF’s presence in over 190 countries and territories. They form the backbone of UNICEF’s country office budgets, and enable additional funds to be made available as necessary.  

At UNICEF, we call these precious funds Core Resources.

5 Key Goal Areas

Your flexible donation today will help support our work across five key goal areas for every child.

How UNICEF Utilises Flexible Funds

Explore the 2023 Core Resources Report outlining how flexible funding powers UNICEF to deliver on our promise of equity for every child.


Investing in Flexible Funding is a clear way to help UNICEF advance its work for every child. These five key reasons to invest in flexible funding showcase how UNICEF utilises flexible funding strategically across the organisation to ensure maximum impact with donor funds and to scale up sustainable solutions around the world.  

The way in which UNICEF allocates resources also ensures that we continue to pioneer new approaches, work innovatively across the entire span of childhood, and adapt to changing situations on the ground, particularly during emergencies. 

1. First to respond, last to leave in emergencies

When a humanitarian emergency strikes, UNICEF is already there. Flexible funds allow our specialised teams create a presence on the ground before a crisis and remain equipped to respond immediately when one occurs. Then, when the emergency ends, flexible funds allow UNICEF to stay, helping communities to rebuild and address long-term traumas. 

2. Expert staff

We are immensely proud of our staff, all of whom have deep expertise, including everyone from technical staff to our most senior representatives who engage with government ministries advocating for child rights. We cherish the hard-earned trust placed in them by donors, governments, partners, and, of course, children and their families

3. For Every Child 

Right now, flexible funds are critical to helping millions of children survive out-of-the-spotlight emergencies, such as food and drought crises, as well as outbreaks of diseases like cholera or measles, that rarely make it into the headlines. In fact, 90 percent of private sector humanitarian donations in 2022 went to fund just 3 emergencies – while UNICEF responded to more than 400.

4. Leading and pioneering new ideas

Your support allows us to convene, lead, and innovate for children by investing today to achieve change tomorrow, much as the world’s leading companies invest in research and development to drive progress. Our reliable long-term presence in a country and our convening power with governments, civil society, and the private sector gives us the deep insights that are needed to understand the root causes of problems and to find effective solutions.

5. Meeting children’s needs throughout childhood and adolescence

UNICEF maintains a focus on giving every child, at every age, an equitable chance in life. Flexible funds enable better outcomes for children by providing long-lasting impact and a holistic continuum of support, not just one-time aid in a moment of need. 


Your Impact

Flexible funding leverages three key elements to achieve the greatest impact:

  1. The predictability to plan and implement long-term programmes for children.
  2. The flexibility to address challenging and rapidly changing contexts.
  3. The efficiency that comes from reducing transaction costs and maximising resources that go directly to children.

To help children, wherever they live and whatever they need,  supporting flexible funding today is the best way to make a lasting impact.

How can you or your company support flexible funding?

For over 75 years – in times of peace, in conflict, and in emergency – and undeterred by the scale of the needs, UNICEF unfalteringly rises to the challenge of our mission: ‘for every child‘. By supporting flexible funding, you or your company can help empower UNICEF to make good on this simple, powerful promise of equity.


For businesses looking to support contact Owen Buckley, Head of Corporate Partnerships: owen@unicef.ie or 087 096 7744 

Philanthropy & Major Gifts

If you or your family office would like to provide support, please contact Donna Marie O’Donovan, Head of Philanthropy: donna.marie@unicef.ie 

Explore the 2023 Core Resources Report outlining how flexible funding powers UNICEF to deliver on our promise of equity for every child.


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UNICEF | for every child

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