Display child rights around the school
Hang posters of the CRC in each classroom.
Create a display board in the hall with the Rights Ribbon.
Create a child rights mural inside or outside the school.
Identify how child rights are enjoyed at school by labelling things in the classroom, for example:
Explore child rights in different subjects
Some patron programmes explicitly reference rights, but this is not the only curricular area to examine rights.
Develop language skills by reading, discussing and writing about child rights.
Look at curricular areas through a child rights lens. For example, when reading a storybook or class novel, discuss how the rights of the character were enjoyed/denied. If exploring the Industrial Revolution in History, examine how children’s rights were affected. When teaching éadaí in Gaeilge, or homes in Geography link the lessons to Article 27 Food, Clothing, A Safe Home.
These Article in Focus resources suggest activities for exploring the different rights.
Focus on a different article of the CRC in each school assembly. Check out these 20 assembly ideas.
Teach parents and carers about child rights
Educate parents and carers about rights by challenging these myths and misconceptions.
Organise an evening to tell parents and carers about child rights.
Include a child rights update in the school newsletter or website.
Include a representative from the parents’ association on the student council.
Involve parents in homework about child rights.