
Every child has the right to learn.


There are many ways your school, students, and teachers can get involved with UNICEF.

  • Rights Respecting Schools Award: UNICEF works with schools in Ireland on children’s rights to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive.
  • Child Rights Teacher Training Courses UNICEF offers (CPD) Summer Courses for teachers to explore embedding the Convention of the Rights of the Child into their teaching practice. Contact for more information on 2022 courses.
  • Lesson Plans connected to the Irish curriculum provides students with a better understanding of what life is like for children in different countries around the world, on issues, such as child health, nutrition, education and gender equality. Using the framework of the SDGs find out how to tackle global issues and become child rights advocates.
  • Youth Activism & Advocacy children and young people have a right to speak up on the issues and decisions that affect their lives. Get involved in our youth initiatives like our Taoiseach takeover for World Children’s Day or World’s Largest Lesson to make sure that your voice is heard and you can participate in decision-making.
  • Work Experience with UNICEF Each year UNICEF offers activism training courses for Transition Year students to learn more about advocacy and activism. Join us and campaign for a better world!

Teaching resources for teachers and activists

Children and young people have the power to shape our future. UNICEF Ireland has developed a series of resources to help resource young people with skills and knowledge to achieve change.

Using our learning materials designed for a classroom or youth group, UNICEF seeks to engage young people in exploring humanitarian issues and encourage them to learn more about the rights to participate in decision making and the benefits of youth activism and advocacy.

With a range of activities available, you too can become active changemakers and make a positive impact in your own community for a rapidly changing world.

Together, we are building a generation that wants to see change happen now. Get downloading – it’s not just for teachers!

Why not introduce it to your youth group, classroom or friends?

Activist Toolkit

With more youth on the planet than ever before in human history, there is great potential to create change.

Join UNICEF’s global movement of youth activists. Using our Activism Toolkit along with our lesson plans and activism courses you can learn the skills and knowledge to become advocates for children’s rights and activists in changing the world.

UNICEF believes in your right to be heard and take part in decisions that impact your life and your world. Find out the many ways you can get involved and make a difference in the world.

Start an activism group in your school
Help protect children