Corporate Partners

Corporate Partners  

We work with our partners to make the world a better place for children.

Partnerships are at the heart of how UNICEF works to improve the lives of the most vulnerable and excluded children. Business is increasingly recognized as a key actor in the development agenda. UNICEF Ireland recognises the private sector can be an important partner in advancing its mission to ensure the health, education, equality and protection of every child, and engages with businesses in a variety of ways and on many levels.

The most successful partnerships are multi-faceted and integrated into a company’s philanthropic, marketing and communications strategies. Our experienced team will work with you to create a package – tailored to your specific needs.

Below are some of UNICEF’s most established partnerships within the private sector.

Our Partners

Become a Corporate Partner

How we work with our Partners

Interested in becoming a UNICEF partner? Contact our team to discuss corporate partnerships

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