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Yemen’s children on the brink as country risks becoming a failed state

Dublin, 30 March 2016 – A brutal conflict and a fast-deteriorating humanitarian situation are devastating the lives of millions of children in Yemen and have brought the country to the point of collapse. A UNICEF report “Children on the Brink” highlights the heavy toll that the violence in Yemen is having on children, where an already precarious … Continued

1 in 3 Syrian children have grown up knowing only crisis

Dublin, 14 March 2016 – An estimated 3.7 million Syrian children – 1 in 3 of all Syrian children – have been born since the conflict began five years ago, their lives shaped by violence, fear and displacement, according to a UNICEF report on Syria. This figure includes 306,000 children born as refugees since 2011. … Continued

UNICEF to Undertake Nationwide Immunisation Throughout Syria

UNICEF to Undertake Nationwide Immunisation Throughout Syria The humanitarian relief effort intensifies as ceasefire holds  Dublin – 2 March 2016, As the fragile ceasefire continues to hold throughout Syria, UNICEF has agreed with the Syrian Government to undertake a nationwide immunisation programme to help the embattled children in Syria. UNICEFs global Executive Director, Anthony Lake, … Continued

Statement by UNICEF Global ED Anthony Lake following visit to Syria

  Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake following his visit to Syria   HOMS, SYRIA – 1 March 2016: I complete this visit to Syria, together with Dr. Peter Salama, UNICEF Regional Director, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of this war.  My previous trip came on the eve of the third anniversary, two … Continued

UNICEF Pacific urgently responding to Government appeal and needs of children after worst ever Cyclone Winston in Fiji

Dublin, 22 February 2016 – Less than 36 hours after Cyclone Winston devastated Fiji, UNICEF Pacific has begun assisting those most affected, in partnership with the Government of Fiji. UNICEF today began to distribute pre-positioned emergency supplies in Fiji, with a focus on distribution to worst-affected communities. UNICEF Ireland Executive Director, Peter Power, said “In … Continued


UN AGENCIES WARN OF ESCALATING FOOD CRISIS IN SOUTH SUDAN Rise in hunger at harvest time; harsh and prolonged 2016 lean season approaching Juba, South Sudan is facing unprecedented levels of food insecurity, as 2.8 million people – nearly 25 percent of the country’s population – remain in urgent need of food assistance, and at … Continued

Students stage a Twitter Takeover @unicefireland to voice their concerns to political leaders ahead of the General Election 2016

Dublin, 2nd February 2016, UNICEF pioneers innovative engagement between young people and political. Scores of children across Ireland will stage the first Twitter Takeover of UNICEF Ireland’s Twitter feed @unicefireland, on Thursday, 4th February, from 9 to 10:15a.m. This week young people across Ireland will look for answers from political leaders ahead of the General Election … Continued

UNICEF launches US$2.8 billion humanitarian appeal for children

  Dublin, 26 January 2016 – UNICEF is launching a US$2.8 billion appeal to reach 43 million children in humanitarian emergencies worldwide. For the first time ever, the largest portion of the appeal – 25 per cent – is going towards educating children in emergencies.  This year UNICEF plans to dramatically increase the number of … Continued

An Appeal to end the Suffering in Syria #SyriaCrisis

The war in Syria is approaching its sixth brutal year. The needless loss of life continues and the suffering deepens. Please join our appeal to end the violence using the hashtag #SyriaCrisis Three years ago, UN agencies issued an urgent appeal to those who could end the conflict in Syria. “Enough”, they said. Today, we appeal … Continued

Adolescent deaths from AIDS tripled since 2000 – UNICEF

New data also says most babies are untested JOHANNESBURG/NEW YORK, 27 November 2015 – The number of adolescent deaths from AIDS has tripled over the last 15 years, according to new data released today by UNICEF. AIDS is the number one cause of death among adolescents in Africa and the second leading cause of death … Continued


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