School Fundraising

School Fundraising  

Fundraise & Get Involved with UNICEF Ireland

When working with children in schools in Ireland, UNICEF believes that young people should be empowered to actively participate in society to create a better world, where every child is seen, heard, and valued. Fundraising for UNICEF is one of the ways where students can learn about global issues and have the opportunity to amplify their voice and build their personal skills and help contribute to society.

If your school or college is thinking of raising money, we have some helpful resources and guidelines to help you make it interesting, fun, and educational for your students when fundraising for UNICEF.

Now more than ever, funding is needed to help continue vital programmes for vulnerable children so that no child is left behind.

Fundraising Resources

School Fundraising Toolkit

When your school fundraises for UNICEF, your school will be helping to build a better future for vulnerable children around the world, helping every child to survive and thrive.

Download our guide with tips and advice on how to make the most of your school fundraising.

Download now

School Sponsorship Card Offline Fundraising

UNICEF Fundraising Poster A4

School Emergency Fundraising Poster

Join team UNICEF and support children in need

Tell us about your School Fundraiser

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FAQ School Fundraising

How can my school organise to fundraise for UNICEF 

Your school can raise funds in 3 easy steps 

Step 1. Start the discussion with your students. 

Here are some suggestions to begin a discussion with your students: 

  • Find out about UNICEF, what it stands for. Learn about its history and its aims. 
  • Why does UNICEF need the public to donate to support its work? 
  • What are children’s rights and how can children learn about their rights?  
  • Explore the work of UNICEF throughout the world with vulnerable and at risk children and learn about how its work is grounded on research provided by its dedicated research centre Innocenti  and how UNICEF ensures that children are at the centre of decision making globally. 


Step 2  Select the type of fundraiser your students would like to take part in. 

Let their creative juices flow and consider tying in the global issues you want students to learn about. Consider aligning with other countries globally and raise awareness and funds with – 

  • Food & Nutrition - Hold a bake sale or tastie food stalls with foods from around the world and nationalities. 
  • Sporting Challenges - Jersey or Jumper day – during the Ruby, GAA or Christmas season and hold a sponsored walk or sports blitz. 
  • Education – Hold a table quiz or gaming tournament and include questions on UNICEF’s work and children’s rights. 
  • ‘Day for Change’    UNICEF’s annual fundraising event which is held on the 6th of February each year.  This can align with your school’s programme to recycle and contribute to the circular economy. Students can hold a ‘bring and buy’ and gain an understanding of fast fashion. 
  • World Children’s Day – is November 20th  Turn your School Blue on and mark the anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Wear blue on the day or turn your school blue with wonderful artwork and join our global community in recognising children as rights holders and raising awareness and demanding action to protect and fulfil the rights of every child no matter where they live.  See the highlights from our World Children’s Day 2023 
  1. Check List

Organising a successful event can feel daunting at the outset, but our simple check list here will help you plan your event.  Download our School Fundraising Guidelines

How to send your funds to UNICEF

If your school has set up an online fundraiser on iDonate, JustGiving or any of the social media fundraising platforms, the funds transfer directly to us and you don’t need to do anything. However, if you have chosen to collect funds within the school, any of the following ways will ensure your funds reach us. 

  1. By cheque:  Send a cheque made payable to - UNICEF Ireland, 33 Lower Ormond Quay, Freepost F407, Dublin 1.
  2. By Bank Transfer:  To the UNICEF bank account:

 Account Name: UNICEF Ireland 

IBAN Number: IE37 AIBK 9333 8424 0700 37 

Bank: AIB Bank, 40/41 Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2. 


  1. Online:
  2. By phone – 01 878 3000

Please include your school name and Eircode or School Roll Number in the ‘reference field’ to help us identify your donation. Once you have transferred the funds let us know by email the details of your fundraiser and we can send your acknowledgment. 

 *You can also download our Thank You for Fundraising poster here to share with your school community here and let them know how much you have raised. 

UNICEF Fundraising Logos

Landscape Poster Format

Small Square Logo

Be Inspired

We are here to help you every step of the way. Check out our great resources and if you need any help, do not hesitate to contact the team at or call us at (01) 878 3000.

Help protect children