Water Pump


Giving children access to clean water and a chance for education.

Your special gift can provide a hand pump and 10 water containers to bring clean water to an entire village or refugee camp.

Thanks to the pump, more girls will also have the chance to go to school. It is often the task of the girls to collect water, which means that they do not have time to get to school.

By installing water pumps, you are giving children access to clean water and a chance for education.

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A Rohingya family collects water at a camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, where 693,000 people sought refuge following an outbreak of extreme violence in their home country in Myanmar.

“Children here are at great risk so the commitment of our donors is essential to ensure their right to clean water, health and education are protected.” Dara Johnston, who is from County Mayo in Ireland, runs UNICEF’s water and sanitation programme in Bangladesh.


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