Violence continues to intensify in Syria and more people are in need of humanitarian assistance. As in most emergencies, children are the most vulnerable. At least half of all those affected by the conflict in Syria are children.

In early January, Syria and the surrounding countries were hit with the coldest temperatures in 10 years. Refugee camps were blanketed with snow and flooded with rain. Children, especially those under the age of five, are extremely vulnerable to illness during harsh weather conditions which may well recur before the winter period is over. The number of cases of acute respiratory infections, flu and pneumonia are increasing as access to basic services deteriorates. Most children have no socks or decent winter shoes.
UNICEF is concerned about the effect of winter on the health and wellbeing of displaced Syrian children both inside and outside the country, especially when their health may have already been weakened by the stress of conflict and prolonged displacement.
UNICEF is undertaking a winterisation strategy and plans to reach 647,300 women and children in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey with a package of emergency supplies for winter. This package aims to meet the urgent needs of children through the provision of warm clothes, blankets, adequate shelter and health care.
UNICEF urgently requires additional funds to provide vital winter-related emergency supplies to children and families, donate here.
Today please join us to make as much noise as possible for the children of Syria. Winter and exposure to unspeakable violence is leaving children cold and frightened. This is a children’s emergency. But together we can help.