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Latest stories and world news  

Nigeria: responding to the education needs of displaced children

  Sixteen-year-old Grace fled her home in March this year after witnessing the brutal beheading of her father by the armed group Boko Haram, in Baga, Northeast Nigeria. “When my father was killed, we had to leave our town,” she recalls. “I thought that was the end of the road for me.” But it wasn’t. … Continued

Infographic: Education Crisis in Syria

  Syria was a leader in basic education in the region before the crisis began in 2011: an estimated 97% of primary school-age children were enrolled in school. Today, more than half of school-aged children in Syria are out of school. A recent report by UNICEF and partners highlights how severely the conflict has damaged education, decimating … Continued

Every five minutes a child dies as a result of violence

Every five minutes a child dies as a result of violence and millions are left unsafe in their homes, schools and communities. The stories of these children are rarely told. Through the EndViolence Youth Letter initiative voices of 18 child survivors of violence from across the world are now being heard. From violent conflict in … Continued

Voices of Syria

Please note that these videos contain graphic descriptions which are distressing. Since 2011, 11 million Syrians have been forced to leave their homes. UNICEF is on the ground in Syria & the surrounding countries providing children with clean drinking water, health care, education opportunities and the psychosocial support they need to flourish. Aiden Gillen, Colette … Continued

Children on the move through Europe dream of a “normal” life

  Unicef Social Protection Specialist, Aleksandar Lazovski, reports on the dangerous situation for children who are travelling from conflict zones through Gevgelija in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. You can help us children affected by emergencies, like those forced to flee their homes. When I arrived on Saturday to the town of Gevgelija near the … Continued

5 innovations that have changed children’s lives

History shows that a seemingly small innovation can make a huge difference in children’s lives and that solutions don’t have to cost much or involve complicated technology. Consider these examples and find out more in the interactive The State of the World’s Children 2015 report: Reimagine the future. 1) Oral rehydration salts A little packet … Continued

Mobile apps are a lifeline for young Syrian refugees

  Unicef Communications Specialist, Lely Djuhari, met refugee children fleeing violence in Syria who are using a mobile app to get information on daily life issues and news of their families. Jehad cradled his mobile phone in his hand. For the 15-year-old Syrian boy who has been on the move Europe-bound for several weeks, his mobile is … Continued

“I do not want to die like him” – Nada (7)

Yemen is one of the most terrifying places in the world to be a child. Children are bearing the brunt of a brutal armed conflict which escalated in March and shows no sign of a resolution. Scores of children are dying every month, while those who survive live in constant fear of being killed. Since … Continued

A day in the life of a UNICEF fundraiser

Written by UNICEF fundraiser, Peter Stears Being a UNICEF fundraiser carries with it a great amount of pride. When you step outside of the Dublin Office onto the hectic street emblazoned with the UNICEF logo, you realise that you are part of a team that spans to the far ends of the world. Passers by … Continued

Warning – graphic content: Violence against children in South Sudan

The violence against children in South Sudan has reached a new level of brutality. UNICEF’s Executive Director Anthony Lake issued the below statement: Please note it contains graphic descriptions which are distressing. “The details of the worsening violence against children are unspeakable, but we must speak of them. “As many as 129 children from Unity … Continued

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