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Latest stories and world news  

What Your Donations Achieved for Children

Thank you. Thank you for being a lifeline to millions of children around the world. Thank you for being there when they needed you most.  From clean water to warm clothing, life-saving food and psycho-social support, YOUR donations have helped children not only survive, but thrive.  In 2023 alone, this is what you achieved for … Continued

Breastfeeding and Support Resources in Ireland: A Comprehensive Guide

Did you know that Ireland has one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world? While 63% of mums begin breastfeeding in hospital, only 15% of them are still breastfeeding by the time their baby reaches six months old. This means that the biggest drop-off in breastfeeding happens during the first weeks of a baby’s … Continued

What You’ve Achieved for Children in Syria

When Disaster Struck in Syria On the 6th of February, children across Syria awoke to the sight and sound of their world’s crumbling around them. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake had struck the region, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.  Children’s homes and schools were destroyed. Their friends and family lost. Basic amenities like … Continued

A Legacy of Work with UNICEF

A legacy of work with UNICEF, rewriting the future of children across the globe.   “In many ways, I have been privileged. Not many people get the opportunity to see a drilling rig hit water in a drought-prone area. And when that water gets hit. And it spurts up into the air. The celebration and … Continued

Life Among the Rubble: Child Stories From Syria

It’s been more than 100 days since deadly earthquakes struck Syria and Turkey, leaving thousands dead and millions displaced.  Among the most vulnerable are the 3.7 million children in Syria who continue to face desperate conditions and are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.  This is their story, told through the eyes of UNICEF-supported mobile … Continued

365 Days of War in Ukraine

February 2023 marks one year since the escalation of war in Ukraine. Since then, a generation of children have experienced 12 months of violence, trauma, cold, and displacement. Children have been killed, injured and forced from their homes. They have missed out on critical education and have been denied their right to safety and peace. … Continued

How Your Gifts Save Lives

Thank you. It is your support that allows UNICEF to provide children with life-saving supplies like health care, food, water and sanitation. It is your support that keeps us on the ground in emergencies. Your gifts have helped us expand our capacity and save children living through conflict and natural disasters. There are more children in … Continued

The Link Between Water Scarcity and Famine

Famine is defined as “an extreme scarcity of food”. Yet increasingly, regions suffering from famine conditions are also suffering from water shortages. Water and sanitation are just as important as food for children facing famine and food insecurity. Continue reading to discover how a lack of clean water and sanitation can turn a crisis situation, … Continued

The Impact of Your Donations

From Ukraine to Afghanistan and Pakistan to Yemen to 190 countries across the globe, you are making the only difference that matters to millions of children – a life and death one. You are saving lives every single day. Discover the life-saving impact of your donations! Healing in Ukraine In what is the largest humanitarian … Continued

MyLegacy Month 2022

MyLegacy is an organisation that brings charities in Ireland together to raise awareness around the importance of making a Will. This September during MyLegacy month, UNICEF is asking our supporters to consider including a legacy gift in support of vulnerable children in their Will. We have teamed up with two will-writing services to make it … Continued

Nargis’ Story: From Afghanistan to Ireland

My name is Nargis, I’m an Afghan girl born and grown up in Afghanistan.  My family and I were also among the thousands of people who fled Afghanistan almost one year ago. Migration has never been a choice for us, but we had no other option to continue our normal life and just have the … Continued

Hunger Crisis: Millions on the Brink of Famine

2022 has been a year of unprecedented levels of hunger. At least 828 million people now wonder where their next meal will come from. Hunger is the greatest crisis facing developing countries today, with many on the brink of famine. But what is famine? What causes it and how can it be prevented? Continue reading … Continued

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