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Rand’s story: “A tent is not a home”

“We had a garden in our house with lemon trees and grapevines. I loved those trees. I used to climb those trees. I used to watch them from my balcony. My father built our home, and my sisters and I had our own rooms, but they have destroyed it. A rocket landed in the middle … Continued

Children’s stories from South Sudan

  What is life like in a rural village in South Sudan? Unicef spoke to children and women in Kiech Kuon, a remote village, to hear their stories, to learn about their lives and to find out about their hopes for the future. These are South Sudan’s everyday voices: 1. Nyibol Jul, age 14 (pictured above) “I … Continued

Ebola: Jenette’s story

13-year-old Jennette* who told us about her experience with Ebola. She offered us a seat on a log in front of her mother’s house; neighborhood children, curious about the arrival of strangers, stopped chasing a chicken and gathered to watch. “I was about to finish 6th grade in Guéckédou when Ebola struck. When my grandmother … Continued

VIDEO: The Ebola Kit That Saves Lives in Liberia

A simple hygiene kit is playing a key role in the fight to contain Ebola in Liberia. The disease is often spread from one family member to another. The kits help families protect themselves — particularly important when treatment units are distant or full and family members must act as caregivers. Each UNICEF kit contains … Continued

Video: Learn how Liberian children are using technology to fight Ebola

Designed by teens and powered by UNICEF, U-Report helps young people access real-time information about Ebola using their basic mobile phones. U-Report is one of many UNICEF innovations solving big challenges for kids worldwide. Check out more in the State of the World’s Children 2015 report.

South Sudan: children giving up their guns to go to school

  The release of an estimated 2000-3000 children from an armed faction in South Sudan began today in Greater Pibor, in the eastern part of the country. Saudamini Siegrist, Senior Adviser for Child Protection in Emergencies at UNICEF, recently travelled to the country to assist with the preparations for the release. Q) What is the … Continued

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