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All I want is peace

Garang, 12, is one of the estimated half a million children in South Sudan who have been displaced by violence. Here is his story in his own words.

Preventing a food crisis in South Sudan

Over 100 days of violence in South Sudan has left a quarter of a million children at risk of severe acute malnutrition unless urgent humanitarian supplies reach the most vulnerable citizens in the world’s youngest nation.

South Sudan Field Diary

I’ve been in South Sudan for two weeks now as part of the UNICEF emergency surge team to support the rapidly aggravating crisis in the world’s newest country. Over one million people have now been displaced as a result of the ongoing crisis and violent conflict.

A race against time in South Sudan

Ted Chaiban, UNICEF Director of Emergency Programmes, visited South Sudan last week and writes about the urgency of funding preparations for the rainy season.

Villages in grip of crisis in Central African Republic

In the Central African Republic, a million people have fled their homes, and around half the population is in urgent need of assistance as a result of violence during the past year. Among the most affected are children, who have suffered increasingly from malnutrition and become targets of violence.

Reunited with loved ones in Homs

Abu Ibrahim runs around the school playground kicking a ball with his two-year old son. It’s the first time he’s seen the little boy since his wife and four children fled the besieged city of Old Homs.

600 days under siege for one family in Homs

Ahida, her husband, and four of her children fled the old city of Homs during the UN monitored evacuation mission two weeks ago. While living under siege, they were forced to eat grass and other weeds to survive.

The boy with a bullet in his head

Soon after arriving in the Central African Republic, I visit the country’s only paediatric hospital and it quickly becomes clear why so many have had to flee their homes. One small boy has his head wrapped up snugly in white bandages. His name is Bruno and he is 11 years old.

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