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Latest stories and world news  

The men and women who risk their lives to make the world a better place

Today on World Humanitarian Day we are taking a moment to celebrate our colleagues all over the world who do remarkable work in some of the most dangerous and difficult environments on the planet. We also remember our colleagues who have lost their lives in this service, including the 22 people who were killed on … Continued

One mother’s fight to save her children

It’s a parent’s worst nightmare – one day you simply run out of food and can no longer feed your children. This was the reality faced by Kumani, a mother who owns a small plot of land in Chad where her family have always grown peanuts, sorghum and beans to feed themselves. Droughts in 2005 … Continued

How speaking out can help end violence against children

In October 2012, 14 year old Malala Yousafzai was shot in Pakistan. In December 2012, 26 pupils and teachers shot in a school in Newtown, Connecticut. In 2013, we saw reports about young girls being gang raped in India and South Africa. These were the stories we saw. But so many cases of violence against … Continued

Campaign to prevent disease as temperatures rise at Za’atari refugee camp, Jordan

As temperatures climb in Za’atari refugee camp, volunteer health workers educate refugees on the importance of good sanitation. Report by Toby Fricker. It’s summer in Za’atari refugee camp, Jordan. A timely campaign sees teams of Syrian community health workers promoting safe hygiene practices from tent to tent to prevent the diseases that thrive in the … Continued

With a rising refugee population, a camp at risk of disease

DOMIZ, Iraq, 22 May 2013 – The Domiz refugee camp, which sits about 60 kilometres from the Syrian border amidst an imposing mountain landscape, was originally built to accommodate 22,000 people. Today it is home to around 40,000 Syrian refugees. [UNICEF Regional Health Advisor Mahendra Sheth visits a UNICEF vaccination campaign in a camp for … Continued

Schools across Jordan provide hope for Syrian refugee children

IRBID, Jordan, 2 May 2013 – Eleven-year-old Hanin proudly arranges her artwork on the living room floor. Her drawings of brightly coloured flowers reflect happier times. Report by Toby Fricker UNICEF’s Toby Fricker brings you the story of 11-year-old Hanin, who was displaced from her home in the Syrian Arab Republic and is now living … Continued

Keep Syrian children alive

UNICEF advocacy video: Keep Syrian children alive -All around them, their dreams and opportunities for the future are being lost. UNICEF needs help to protect Syrian children and keep them alive. ——————————————————————————————————- UNICEF urgently requires additional funds to provide vital emergency supplies to children and families, donate here.

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