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Latest stories and world news  

UNICEF responds to need for clean water and sanitation and launches appeal to assist children affected by Tropical Storm Washi (Sendong) in the Southern Philippines

UNICEF is today delivering water and sanitation supplies to assist in the provision of clean water and sanitation facilities for 15,000 families affected by the devastating floods in southern Philippines. MANILA, PHILIPPINES, 20 December 2011. The agency also today launched an appeal for US$4.2 million to assist families affected by Tropical Storm Washi (local name … Continued

UNICEF preparing to respond to flooding from Tropical Storm Washi in Philippines

UNICEF Preparing to Respond to Needs of Approximately 43,000 Children Affected by Flooding from Tropical Storm Washi in Mindanao, Philippines Tropical Storm Washi has caused severe flash flooding in Mindanao, Philippines. At least 650 people have reportedly lost their lives with more than 900 still missing. UNICEF is preparing to respond to the needs of … Continued

UNICEF and partners provide hygiene education and clean water in post-flood Pakistan

Tens of thousands of flood-affected children in Pakistan are being kept free of disease through the emergency provision of safe water, sanitation facilities and hygiene lessons. But a lack of funding is putting in doubt future humanitarian assistance. Report by Raheela Chaudhry.  SINDH, Pakistan, 13 December 2011 VIDEO: Tens of thousands of flood-affected children in … Continued

A big thank you to our friends in Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

A big thank you to our friends in Houghton Mifflin Harcourt who raised €4,611.80 for the UNICEF Ireland East Africa Appeal. Over 13 million people in East Africa are in need of humanitarian assistance, half of those are children.  In parts of Southern Somalia 1 in every 3 children is acutely malnourished, and a child … Continued

UNICEF marks the progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS

On World AIDS Day, marked across the globe on 1 December, we will celebrate those successes, raise awareness about the HIV and AIDS epidemic, and look toward the work that remains to be done. A radiant smile lights up Agness Chabu’s face as she cuddles Lackson, her 23-month-old son at home in Zambia. Agnes has … Continued

Measles infection rates on the decline after successful vaccination campaign in Somalia

Good news! Measles infection rates on the decline after successful measles vaccination campaign in Somalia. Weaving between makeshift huts of plastic sheeting, health workers urgently knock on every door in Mogadishu: “Today’s the day!” they say, “Vaccination day!”  By Eva Gilliam and Abdulkhadir Abdulle. MOGADISHU, Somalia, 28 November 2011. Throughout 16 districts of Banadir Region, … Continued

In wake of the floods, malnutrition threatens thousands of children in Pakistan

Mohammad Ali, of Southern Pakistan, is not the world famous boxing legend, but a true fighter nonetheless. This Mohammad Ali is just two-and-a-half-years-old and from a small village outside of Jamshoro in Pakistan’s Sindh Province. He is winning his struggle to survive after nearly succumbing to health complications associated with severe acute malnutrition. By Chris … Continued

UNICEF’s digital drum chosen as a Time Magazine Best Invention of 2011

The rugged solar-powered kiosk being tested and developed in Uganda by UNICEF’s Technology for Development unit was featured as one of the best ideas and innovations of the year in Time’s annual “Best Inventions” issue, which hit newsstands this past weekend. UNICEF’s solar-powered computer kiosk made out of rugged, locally available materials, aims to provide … Continued

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