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Community-based nutrition programme targets children at risk in Ethiopia

Bedria Yuya has just learned that one of her eight-month-old twins, Hehumati Shemsedin, is severely underweight. The news comes during a monthly growth-monitoring session in her village in drought-affected eastern Ethiopia. Report by Indrias Getachew, KEBSO TEKOMA, Ethiopia, 25 August 2011 VIDEO: UNICEF correspondent Priyanka Pruthi reports on community health workers’ efforts to identify and … Continued

In Kenya, families struggle to cope with loss amidst drought

Inside the informal refugee settlements that have mushroomed around towns like Wajir, men are conspicuously missing. As drought ravages the vast and barren expanse of northern Kenya, decimating livestock and displacing hundreds of pastoralist communities, rather than stay in the settlements, the men have opted to salvage whatever little livestock is left by scouring the … Continued

New pipeline brings hope to drought-affected Kenya

In the middle of the dry river bed, in Kenya, children and adults alike worked to collect water from the dirty puddle at the bottom of the pit. Taking small, quick scoops in order to avoid the grit, the group patiently gathered just enough water for drinking. Without sediment, the water looked clean, but no … Continued

UNICEF mounts urgent response to contain the spread of cholera in Somalia

Foday Ali’s five-month-old baby is looking around, showing signs of life for the first time in four days since she was admitted to the Banadir Paediatric Unit in Mogadishu for severe malnutrition. She was born in an Internally Displaced Person (IDP) camp in Mogadishu just days after her mother completed the 25 kilometre walk from … Continued

Immunisation reduces threat of disease outbreaks around refugee camps in Kenya

Immunisation reduces threat of disease outbreaks around refugee camps in Kenya. At Malayley on the outskirts of the massive Dadaab refugee settlement in Kenya’s North Eastern Province, screams pierce the air as children receive their measles vaccinations with the jab of a needle. Those next in line cling fearfully to their parents, one cry triggering … Continued

Field Report: Aden and Abdile

More than 80 per cent of the Somali refugees crossing into Kenya are women and children. Many of the families I see cueing at the Dadaab refugee reception centres are headed by mothers, grandmothers and older sisters. I often wonder where all the men have gone. This dearth of men is what makes Abdile all … Continued

UNICEF and partners race against time as Horn of Africa crisis worsens

History is repeating itself in the Horn of Africa. Images of severely malnourished children – and of people walking great distances across parched earth in search of food and water – haunt the public conscience. A combination of drought, conflict and soaring food prices is turning deadly for the region’s most vulnerable children and families. … Continued

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