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Latest stories and world news  

As South Sudan looks to nationhood, education is pivotal

At the end of this week, on 9 July, South Sudan will become an independent nation. Citizens of the newest country in the world, the people of Southern Sudan face immense challenges and immediate threats. Report by Rudina Vojvoda They also stand before a unique opportunity to build a country that is free of war, … Continued

East Africa Emergency Appeal for children in crisis

  It breaks my heart to write to you today with an urgent appeal for the children of East Africa.  Nearly two million of them under the age of five are at risk of death and disease, because of a deadly combination of drought, conflict and escalating food prices. The situation in East Africa is … Continued

UNICEF and the European Union combat malnutrition in drought-stricken Uganda

The European Union humanitarian aid department (ECHO), UNICEF and Action Against Hunger are working hand-in-hand with Uganda’s Ministry of Health, referral hospitals, health centres, and communities to integrate the treatment and prevention of malnutrition into routine health services. A passing herd of cattle is a common sight in Karamoja, where the sound of their hooves … Continued

Donncha gets into gear with UNICEF health bikes!

  Help UNICEF Ireland provide bikes for female healthcare workers in rural parts of Zimbabwe to reach vulnerable children in remote communities and improve health standards.  These simple means of transport, as seen by Ireland rugby international Donncha O’Callaghan during his tour of Zimbabwe, can have a major impact on increasing the area covered by … Continued

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