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Latest stories and world news  

UNICEF Ireland Chief anticipates humanitarian disaster as Covid-19 spreads

UNICEF Ireland Executive Director Peter Power has written an open letter to the people of Ireland as Covid-19 continues to spread around the world, endangering those who are most vulnerable amongst us. During this critical period, Covid–19 reminds us all about the essential make-up of the Irish DNA. Our generosity of spirit is at the … Continued

How COVID-19 Changed Italy Before My Eyes

Sarah Crowe Senior Advisor in UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti, Florence, Italy   First, there was racial distancing – locals taking a wide berth around Chinese tourists – then there the jokes – Italians having a good time when the world thought they were in the midst of a plague. Locals scoffed when one after the … Continued

The 5 Year-Old Whose Parents Were Hospitalised with COVID-19

Vectors not victims, so we are told. But what happens to children caught up in the Covid-19 crisis? Where do they go when their loved ones get sick? Who looks after those who most need looking after? One little girl in China found herself in exactly this position… relying on the kindness of strangers. Thankfully, … Continued

How to talk to your child about coronavirus (COVID-19) 

How to talk to your child about coronavirus (COVID-19)  5 tips to help comfort and protect children.  Unprecedented. Uncharted territory. The biggest health challenge of the century. There has been so much said about the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed.   The same is true for children, who may struggle to understand, or put in … Continued

Syria’s Children: The War in Their Own Words

The Syrian war is entering its ninth year. Today, there are Syrian children such as Kinda, who you’ll read more about below, who have never known peace. Who have never known the feeling of safety. Never had a bed to call their own. Having lived through violence, bombs, machine-gun fire, hunger and freezing temperatures, Syria’s … Continued

A Timeline of the Syrian Civil War and Refugee Crisis

The Syrian crisis is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis since World War II. The horrors and atrocities of this conflict have filled our newspapers, TV screens and minds since fighting broke out in 2011. After 9 years of conflict, let’s take a look back and see how Syria’s civil war and resulting refugee crisis developed. … Continued

It still hurts

  By Helene Sandbu Ryeng Life is immediately sucked out of her beautiful almond shaped brown eyes. For a few seconds, she is physically still here but her mind somewhere else. An hour earlier; sixteen-year-old Anna [NAME CHANGED] is sitting behind a sowing machine at Tindoka vocational centre in Yambio, using her feet pushing down … Continued

Review Highlights From 2019

Introduction – UNICEF “Conflicts around the world are lasting longer, causing more bloodshed and claiming more young lives” – UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore Conflict remains the main driver of humanitarian needs, while extreme weather events, hunger, and infectious diseases drove many people to seek and depend on emergency aid. Millions of children uprooted from … Continued

UNICEF Ireland Chief reflects on 30 years of child rights

As we mark 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child UNICEF Ireland Executive Director Peter Power reflects on the progress made, and the challenges remaining. By Peter Power Thirty years ago world leaders made an historic commitment to the world’s children by adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the … Continued

World AIDS Day – half of children not getting treatment

This year on World AIDS Day it is clear that the International Community will not meet its target to end AIDS by next year. Huge gains have been made, particularly in the area of the health of Mothers, but the climb has been slower for children and there is still a mountain to scale. 82% … Continued

#KidsTakeOver of the Taoiseach’s office

It is 30 years since UN Member States signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) on November 20. As part of our #WorldChildrensDay celebrations, we helped Donegal teenager Charles to stage a #KidsTakeOver of the Taoiseach’s office. The 18-year-old wanted to talk to An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar about young people’s issues including … Continued

Liam Neeson reflects on his childhood in Ireland on World Children’s Day

“Everything revolved around school.” On World Children’s Day 2019, UNICEF Ambassador Liam Neeson reflects on his childhood and shares his memories of growing up in a small town in Northern Ireland. World Children’s Day is UNICEF’s global day of action for children, by children. This year is extra special as it marks 30 years of … Continued

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