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Latest stories and world news  

What Winter Means For Children in Syria

Three-year-old Zalal has spent all of her life in a temporary shelter, with no place to call her home. Like so many others, Zalal and her family fled for their lives, with nothing but the clothes on their backs, when fighting escalated in Syria. “Life in Syria is all war, politics,” explains Zalal’s father Adnan, … Continued

Syria: Nine Years of Hell for Children

The Syrian crisis remains one of the world’s biggest humanitarian emergencies. After nine years of civil war, the violence continues and children are still suffering in their millions. 5 million children displaced inside Syria 2.5 million children are living as refugees in neighbouring countries Six out of ten children in Syria are in urgent need … Continued

How Your Legacy Gift Changes Lives

A legacy donation, a donation made in your will, is one of the most precious gifts you can give. It’s a decision that’s not entered lightly and is one that requires contemplation and reflection.  With this in mind, it’s important to know that your gift will make a real difference to the lives of children … Continued

Protecting Children in Syria

UNICEF’s Chief of Operations in Syria John Marks spoke to Newstalk’s Pat Kenny Show about recent conflict and uncertainty in Syria. In the excerpts below, John describes the challenges facing children and their families and UNICEF’s emergency response to the crisis. Thankfully, UNICEF teams are reporting some improvements in the situation with the number of … Continued

Syria: Virgin Media News covers latest developments in crisis

Up to 170,000 people have had to flee their homes due to escalating violence in northern Syria. UNICEF estimates that nearly 70,000 children have been displaced since hostilities in northeast Syria escalated a week ago.   Sadly, our teams on the ground have confirmed that at least four children have been killed and nine others … Continued

The girl whose resilience helped her survive abduction by an armed group

On International Day of the Girl we think about incredible girls and women and all they are achieving, often against the odds. UNICEF field workers meet girls who have endured the most appalling struggles every day. We are proud to watch them transform and be reborn, given the right supports. Here, Communciation Specialist with UNICEF … Continued

Migrant Children in Latin America Walk to Safety

Carlos is too young to understand why he can’t sleep in his own bed at home tonight. Instead, he’s lying on a thin mattress on the floor of a crowded and noisy migrant centre at the Colombian border. His mother, Yamileth, 18, watches over him and his brother Yadnoel. She is exhausted after carrying her … Continued

Children on the Move: A Child Migrant’s Story

50 Million Children with Nowhere to Call Home That’s ten times the population of Ireland – more than at any other time in history. It is a crisis of global proportions and it is destroying children’s lives. Refugee and migrant children are among the most vulnerable of all children. Fleeing truly dreadful circumstances; poverty, violence, … Continued

TV’s Ireland AM covers Hurricane Dorian emergency

Hurricane Dorian left 70,000 people without a home when it slammed into Abaco and the Grand Bahama islands on September 1st. The Category-5 storm sat over the region for 40 hours, leaving behind an unprecedented path of destruction and 18,000 affected children. UNICEF is on the ground helping the children who have been left in … Continued

Witnessing the impact of Hurricane Dorian on children

By Manuel Moreno González 7th September 2019   Amidst the ear-piercing noise of the helicopter, I could hear 11-year-old Jahmaurae Moreau say that to fly in a helicopter was “pretty cool”. He was smiling but, minutes later, as we were leaving the island behind, a few tears rolled slowly down his cheeks His mother Marianise … Continued

Child Survivors of Hurricane Dorian

Hurricane Dorian has caused widespread destruction across The Bahamas. The islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama were hit the most severely.  The hurricane left behind a path of destruction unprecedented in this Caribbean country. Thousands of children have been directly affected by the hurricane. Many are now homeless, without access to clean water, food or … Continued

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