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Maternal & Infant Mortality in Yemen: Ali’s Story

No mother should die giving birth to her baby, but that’s what happened to Ali’s mother, Khaizaran in Yemen.  Ali was loved long before he was born but his mother never got to hold him or nurse him. She never got to sing him a lullaby or tell him how much she loved him. When Khaizaran’s … Continued

Donncha O’Callaghan: Witnessing Ebola in the DRC

One in every three people infected by Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a child. As a proud UNICEF Ambassador, I recently visited the country to witness the devastating impact the virus is having on children, their families and communities. Right now, the DRC is experiencing the second-largest Ebola outbreak in history. … Continued

Peanut Paste: The Game Changer in the Fight Against Hunger

Nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 are attributable to undernutrition. In 2022, it’s hard to imagine that a lack of food is STILL one of the leading causes of death amongst children around the world. But it doesn’t have to be this way. There is a simple and life-saving solution; peanut paste. … Continued

Ireland’s Breastfeeding Rates Worst in the World

UNICEF is concerned about low rates of breastfeeding in Ireland. Though it is proven to be the best way to feed a child, breastfeeding is difficult and women report a lack of support. We spoke to parents.

6 Things You Should Know About Child Malnutrition

Today, 15,000 children will die from Severe Acute Malnutrition.  It’s one of the leading causes of death in the developing world, but it can be easily stopped. Children who suffer from malnutrition will face long term consequences to their health, but a simple course of treatment can prevent this. Read on to discover why malnutrition is … Continued

#VaccinesWork – fighting measles and other deadly diseases

Ulla Kou Griffiths Senior Health & Immunisation Advisor, UNICEF An alarming trend Recently UNICEF and the World Health Organisation released new data that showed 20 million children worldwide, or more than 1 in 10, missed out on lifesaving vaccines for measles, diphtheria and tetanus in 2018. This continues an alarming global trend of stagnating – … Continued

In Somalia, Conflict and Drought Has Put the Country in Danger of Famine

In Somalia, conflict and drought has put the country in danger of famine once again, just six years after the last. Somalia is suffering from an intense two-year drought, leaving crops withered, animals dead and communities forced into selling what little they have to survive. In a country where 60% of the population is under … Continued

Why Winter is a Cruel Time To Be a Child in Syria?

Syrian Children Need Your Help This Winter After almost 8 years of bitter conflict, Syrian children have been forced to flee their homes with little but the clothes on their back. This makes winter a particularly difficult time for children who have literally lost everything. Many of these children are already struggling to survive and … Continued

Doa’a Recovers From Malnutrition

The ongoing conflict in Yemen has had a devastating impact on children’s lives, with one in three children at risk from malnutrition. Thanks to our kind supporters, children like Doa’a are receiving the treatment they urgently need to survive. When Doa’a arrived to our therapeutic feeding centre, she was severely malnourished and suffering from pneumonia. … Continued

Courage After Catastrophe: Life for Mothers in Mozambique

Mozambique has been hit by two devastating cyclones within six weeks of each other. Cyclones Idai and Kenneth caused widespread destruction and a devasting loss of life, leaving communities devastated. Heavy rains caused the banks of the Buzi river to break creating an ‘inland ocean.’ Floods tore through communities, destroying everything in their path. Thousands … Continued

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