We want to hear from under-18s on religion in schools 

We want to hear from under-18s on religion in schools

If you have strong opinions about religion in Irish schools, and you are under 18, we want to hear from you over on our U-Report polling platform right now. We will use the information to tell Irish people how teenagers feel about the issue.

U-Report is free and anonymous. And it’s not just for people who are interested in religion, we use the platform to talk about all kinds of issues. At its heart, U-Report is a way for young people to make their voices heard before the legal age of voting. Decision-makers will listen to young people, if we can help them hear your voice. Do you want to get involved?

This month we are asking your views on religion’s place in school. It’s a hot topic this Summer, but no one is asking the people that really matter – young people who are in school!

Join the debate. Find us on Facebook and Twitter @ureportIRL, or over on our website.

U-Report Ireland is free on Facebook and Twitter

U-Report is a text-based communication platform developed by UNICEF and deployed as part of our youth engagement strategy here in Ireland, and in selected countries all over the world. Everywhere it is used, young people are asked questions about the issues of importance where they live. The service allows individual subscribers to ask questions about issues, to get real time answers and to share information with other users – ‘U-reporters’ – across the country.

If you are a young person with opinions to burn, or you know a young person like this, please go to @ureportIRL on Facebook or @UReportIRL on Twitter and sign up!

Main photo: Teenagers accessing U-Report in Liberia, where UNICEF-supported social mobilizers from the group Adolescents Leading an Intensive Fight against Ebola (A-LIFE) learn to record survey data using their mobile phones. In Liberia, one of the issues U-Report is activated is to gather information that helps map the spread of Ebola. Another is understand sexual health and teen pregnancy, in order to respond where problems have developed. © UNICEF/UNI173706/Griggers
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