Why I’m Remembering  
 UNICEF Ireland in My Will 

Why I’m Remembering UNICEF Ireland in My Will  

As a child, Marian Killeen was always aware that there were people less fortunate than her. This keen awareness was instilled and encouraged by her parents.

Marian’s mother, who served as a nurse after World War ll, always reminded her daughter about the many people in need across the world.

Her father, a special branch detective involved in the registration of non-nationals or “aliens” as they were known, also taught his daughter about the many refugees fleeing war and persecution throughout the world.

“My mother nursed in England after the war and my dad was a special branch detective who was involved in registering non-nationals.

“Growing up I would have always been conscious that there were people who had left their country.

“Not all of them for political or economic reasons, but I was always conscious that those people existed and that there were people who fled”.

Lifetime Supporter of Charitable Causes

At school, Marian’s teachers actively encouraged her passion for charitable giving. Together with her school friends, they all engaged and supported charitable causes throughout their school years.

“When I was younger, I would have done the charity fasts. I went to an all-girls school and there was a gang of us who would always try to do something to help. We used to do fasts and walks.

“The nuns in school would have worked on the missions so we’d always have been conscious that there were people worse off than us”.

However, it was after she had her own children, that Marian become more involved with children’s charities and UNICEF in particular.

UNICEF’s Work for Children

“UNICEF was always there. You always knew they existed and that they were always above reproach”.

Seeing media coverage of wars and natural disasters across the world, Marian was particularly struck by how children were affected by these events.

“It’s not fair on anyone, but children are innocent. They don’t understand what’s happening, yet they get the brunt of it and they don’t have the mechanisms to cope with these situations”.

Leaving a Gift in Your Will

Having been an active supporter of UNICEF for decades, Marian knew that she wanted to leave a gift to the charity in her will. After discussing her decision with family, Marian knew she was doing the right thing.

“My family and friends were all very supportive of my decision. They know that there are very vulnerable people throughout the world and that we should do all we can to help them. They fully agree with my decision to leave a donation”.

When it comes to leaving a gift to a chosen charity in your will, Marian believes that many people aren’t aware that the option exists.

“I don’t think people are really aware that they can leave a donation to charity in their will.

“Some people are under the illusion that you have to leave millions or thousands, but that’s not the case at all.

“People don’t realise that you can leave a hundred or a couple of hundred euros and that it all makes a difference. As the saying goes, every little helps”.


Contact Pauline to learn more

You can talk in confidence to our Legacy Gifts Manager, Pauline who will help guide you in writing your Will and send you information on our Legacy Giving programme.

Phone: 01 878 3000

Email: pauline@unicef.ie