Life-Saving Impact of Your Donations 

Life-Saving Impact of Your Donations  

From Ukraine to Afghanistan and Pakistan to Yemen to 190 countries across the globe, you are making the only difference that matters to millions of children – a life and death one. You are saving lives every single day.

Discover the life-saving impact of your donations!

Healing in Ukraine

ukraine statistics

In what is the largest humanitarian crisis Europe has witnessed since UNICEF was created over 75 years
ago, you have helped us reach children and families with life-saving assistance and support for a peaceful future.

Thanks to supporters like you, Yana and her family are among over one million people who are benefitting from medical services provided at hospitals supported by UNICEF. In April, Yana and her mother were injured in a missile attack at a railway station in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine.

Yana, her mother and brother sit on a hospital bed
Yana, her mother and brother sit on a hospital bed.

Yana, 11, lost two legs, and her mother Nataliya lost her left leg below the knee. Yana’s twin brother, Yaroslav, was the only one to escape serious injury. Yana and Nataliya are now receiving the care they need at Lviv Territorial Medical Union Hospital.

You are Saving Lives in Pakistan

In August, Pakistan declared a state of emergency after the worst flooding in the country’s history left more than three million children in need of humanitarian assistance and at increased risk of waterborne diseases, drowning and malnutrition.

With many roads cut off by the flood waters, reaching children with humanitarian aid was a huge logistical challenge. At least 5,000 kilometres (3,200 miles) of roads and around 160 bridges were destroyed or damaged.

UNICEF is there to help – thanks to you. In the first week, we used pre-positioned emergency supplies to deliver drinking water, water purification tablets, hygiene kits, medicines, vaccines, therapeutic food supplies, hygiene kits and mosquito nets.

Saving Young Lives in Yemen

yemen statistics

More than seven years since the conflict began, Yemen remains one of the worst humanitarian crises
in the world. Seventy percent of the total population needs humanitarian assistance, two million children are internally displaced, and nearly 500,000 children are suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Yet, your kindness is saving lives every single day.

yemeni child sits on ground
Aseel plays outside with relatives.

When he was just two months old, Aseel nearly died from severe acute malnutrition. This severe form of wasting is so much more than mere hunger. Children as young as Aseel will not survive without immediate intervention. It is only thanks to the skill of his doctors and the kindness of someone like
you that Aseel is here today.

Donations like yours paid for the therapeutic milk and the enriched peanut paste known as ‘miracle food’ that saved little Aseel’s life.

Coming to the Rescue in Afghanistan

afghanistan statistics

Poverty is scarring the children of Afghanistan while starvation creeps across the country. Hospitals are inundated with numerous children suffering from complicated cases of Severe Acute Malnutrition. That is the technical phrase for starving; estimates put the number of children at risk of death from starvation in Afghanistan this year as high as one million.

Safa, 7 months old, is suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM). Her parents have brought her for treatment at the nutrition department in Kandahar City, Afghanistan.

For countless children around Afghanistan, access to a hospital and life-saving medical care is, too often, out of reach. UNICEF are reaching new regions, bringing education and health care to children who have never before had access to what we all take for granted. That would not be possible without help like yours.

It is only because of support from donors like you that UNICEF has been on the ground in Afghanistan for over 70 years with offices nationwide and a range of partners that support us in delivering assistance to the most vulnerable children of all.

Thank You

The only reason UNICEF can work in the world’s toughest places to help the most vulnerable children in over 190 countries and territories worldwide is because of you. Your support means we can be there in the most critical moments of children’s lives.

You not only give food and water, medicines and vaccines when you support UNICEF. You give love and care and hope for a better tomorrow too.

If you’d like to learn more about your impact, please download the full impact report here.

If you’d like to generously donate, you can do so here

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